
The Relationship Between Orthodontist and Prosthodontist: How to Optimize the Workflow

The relationship between the orthodontist and the prosthodontist is fundamental to guarantee an integrated and successful dental treatment. The synergy between these two professional figures allows us to tackle complex cases with a multidisciplinary approach, optimizing the workflow and improving clinical outcomes for patients. To optimize workflow, it is essential to establish effective and continuous communication. Sharing detailed and updated information on the progress of orthodontic and prosthetic treatment helps plan coordinated interventions. Using digital case management systems, such as 3D imaging software and online communication platforms, can facilitate data sharing and reduce wait times. Joint treatment planning is another key element. The orthodontist and the prosthodontist must discuss and agree on the final objectives of the treatment, identifying the most appropriate phases and timing for each intervention. This integrated approach ensures that orthodontic needs, such as tooth alignment, are considered during prosthetic planning, avoiding future complications.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to define and implement a modern workflow
After this lecture, you will be able to learn and apply digital smile design
After this lecture, you will be able to improve communication between specialists